Design By MarciDesign By MarciDesign By Marci Design By MarciDesign By MarciDesign By MarciDesigns By Marci

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 2009

***Sorry, I am still trying to get my projects in order***

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New To The Neighborhood

Hi everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself so that you could get to know me and what I am all about! I am married to a very loving and supportive husband and we have two beautiful little girls. We are currently living in Utah and loving the fall colors.

I am so excited to be starting my own business! Ever since I first started sewing I've only become more attached to it. I love the colors and smell of fabric stores, it does something to me that sends a chill up my spine and I get so excited!

There are so many fun ideas floating around in my head, I just had to start sharing them with all of you! I hope that by starting this blog I can make some kind of contribution to the crafting world!

Thank you so much for coming by and I hope very soon to have things in order so I can start taking your orders!